About Us
International Protector Services Ltd., IPS, is an established Cook Island company formed with the express approval of the Cook Islands International Trade Investment Board, which licenses IPS annually and remains in good-standing and compliance. IPS was created because of the demands of clients, trust companies, attorneys and financial professional looking for learned and experienced representation in formation and reformation of trusts specifically to protect the trust from attacks both internally by trustee(s) and externally by creditors, beneficiaries and unknown claimants. We are the only exclusive Protector entity in the Cook Islands.
We do not act as Trustees, Settlors, Administrators, Lawyers or Accountants. We only focus on the relation between the Trust and the Protector without the inherent conflicts of also acting in other capacities in the Trust; remaining independent of the Trustees, Settlors, Lawyers and Accountants. Our duties of loyalty and trust remains with the Trust Deed itself.
How We Work

Our Mission
How we distinguish ourselves?
- We offer full protector services with experience in trust planning, trust creation, trust administration, trust protection litigation, asset security within the trust.